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Data sources

A core concept in Lime Bootstrap is data sources. A data source is just what it sounds like, a source of data. The source can be many things, like a Lime Inspector, a REST web-service, a stored procedure or a VBA function. Data sources are used both while working with basic views and especially when working with custom components.

All data sources takes a paramter type and then some other source specific params.

All source can also take a parameter "alias", which lets you specify a name for the data source in ViewModel. This might be usefull if you have multiple sources on the same table wich may otherwise will cause naming collisions.

A data source can either be specified in _config.js or programtically created via lbs.loader.createDataSource() and for legacy data sources lbs.loader.loadDataSource(). An array of data sources can also be sent to lbs.loader.loadDataSources()


Example of loading a few data sources in _config.js

            {type: 'activeInspector'},
            {type: 'localization'},
            {type: 'relatedRecord', source: 'person', view: 'name;phone' , alias: 'contact'},
            {type: 'storedProcedure', source: ''}

Data sources


Fetch data from the Lime CRM api for the currently active LimeObject

Param Description Default Required
type Type of the data source true
embed Related objects to embed [] false
alias Name of node in the ViewModel Name of active Lime Object false
protocol Protocol of fetch https false
Embed fetches data from related objects. It only works for belongs_to properties.


The returned data is almost identical to the answer from the Lime CRM API with one important exception, embedded objects. To make embedded data easier to use directly in a View we push the data from the _embeded-node to a [your object here]-node.

{ type: 'activeLimeObject' , embed: ['coworker']}

For programtic use

const dataSource =lbs.loader.createDataSource({ type: 'activeLimeObject' , embed: ['coworker']})
const data = await dataSource.fetch()


Fetch data from the Lime CRM api for related objects to the currently active LimeObject

Param Description Default Required
type Type of the data source true
alias Name of node in the ViewModel true
fetchAll Fetches all related data instead of only first page true false
sort Property to sort result on false
sortOrder 'asc' or 'desc' desc false
embed Related objects to embed [] false
filter A filter string [] false
size Number of items in fetch 0 false
protocol Protocol of fetch https false
{ type: 'relatedLimeObjects', limetype: 'person', alias: 'persons', protocol: 'http' }

For programtic use

const dataSource =lbs.loader.createDataSource({ type: 'relatedLimeObjects', limetype: 'person', alias: 'persons', protocol: 'http' })
const data = await dataSource.fetch()


Fetch translations for the specified language for a specific key (owner)

Param Description Default Required
type Type of the data source true
alias Name of node in the ViewModel txt false
locale A string to specified the wanted locale Users locale false
owner Owner of the translation Users locale false
protocol Protocol of fetch https false
{ type: 'translations', owner: 'company'}

For programtic use

const dataSource =lbs.loader.createDataSource({ type: 'translations', owner: 'company'})
const data = await dataSource.fetch()


Can GET, PUT, POST and DELETE to a Lime CRM Custom Endpoint

Param Description Default Required
type Type of the data source true
alias Name of node in the ViewModel '' true
relativeUrl A url to the custom endpoint, relative the base URL true
protocol Protocol of fetch https false
{ type: 'customEndpoint', alias: 'myData', relativeUrl: 'my_endpoint/my_subfunc/'}

For programtic use

const dataSource =lbs.loader.createDataSource({ type: 'customEndpoint', alias: 'myData', relativeUrl: 'my_endpoint/my_subfunc/'})

const data = await dataSource.get()
const data2 = await dataSource.delete()

const payload = {prop: 'value'}

// PUT and POST
const data3 = await
const data4 = await dataSource.put(payload)

Legacy data sources

The legacy datasources fetches data through the use of VBA or directly through the COM-bridge. These datasources are slower, blocking and less compatible with future directions. Avoyd using them or limit your use as much as possible


Fetch data from the ActiveInspector

The datasource takes no additional params.


Execute specified VBA-function which must return a Record object.

Param Description Default
source Name of VBA-function
PassInspectorParam Pass activeInspector id for lookups false


Execute specified VBA-function which must return a Records set object.

Param Description Default
source Name of VBA-function
PassInspectorParam Pass activeInspector id for lookups false


Loads additonal fields from a record connected to the active inspector.

Param Description
source relationfield on activeinspector
view semicolon separeted list of fields to fetch


Execute specified VBA-function which must return a XML as string

Param Description Default
source Name of VBA-function
PassInspectorParam Pass activeInspector id for lookups false


Execute specified VBA-function which must return a Records set object.

The datasource takes no additional params.


Execute specified stored procedure. The procedure must return xml.

Param Description
source Name of stored procedure


Calls a web-service and expects a xml response.

Param Description
source URL


Calls a SOAP web-service.

Param Description
source URL
action SOAP action
xml SOAP request